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How To Get Turkey Visa Without Schengen Visa
Getting a visa for Turkey can be a bit tricky, especially if you don't have a visa from countries like those in the Schengen area. This guide will help you understand the process of applying for a Turkey visa without needing a Schengen visa
India Passport Photo Size and Requirements
An India passport photo should be in color and 51mm x 51mm or 2x2 inches in size. The head should be between 35mm and 40mm in size.
How to get a Saudi visa (Tourist) from India
Before you start planning your trip to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, you should confirm the latest travel requirements.
What are the Standard requirements for US visa photo size?
Your photo is an essential component of your US visa application. Some visa categories necessitate digital images, while
What is the procedure to get Philippines visa for Indian citizens?
Indian nationals may apply for a temporary traveler visa for pleasure (single entry, multiple entries for six months) or business
UK Visa Requirements & Application process from India
The First & foremost step is determining what kind of visa will you need? Study visa, Work permit, a family visa for the UK
How much is the UK Visa Fees for Indian Citizens?
The UK visa fee depends on the type of visa. The fee may change and it is always good to check the latest fee in Click2Visas widget.
Kuwait E Visa Eligibility Criteria for Indians
The Kuwait EVisa, permits eligible citizens to visit Kuwait visa for a short stay for Indian citizen's tourism purposes. Applicants
How to apply for Egypt visa from India?
A Complete Checklist for Visa Free Countries for Indians
What is the Canada Visa Processing Time for Travelers?
How to Apply Bangladesh Tourist Visa for Indians?