The Ultimate Guide to Applying for a US Passport & Passport Renewal
4 years
Traveling is special with family and friends. Don’t forget to freeze those moments. Which you will cherish later on. Besides, the experiences you get are also exciting stories for people to hear.
Giving you new ideology, creativity, new ideas, some good friends, but more than these, it gives you some wonderful moments that will always stay with you. While wandering in the world of strangers, you may find some moments that have a personal touch on you.

So are you going to travel with family or friends? Do you go anywhere in the world? Ok! But a Passport is more than an internationally recognized legal document. This is your ticket to explore the world.
Do you have a passport? Is your US passport expired, or is it going to expire? You can renew it.
Click2Visas always invites you and helps to renew your passport. Our customer care contact is available at any time via call, mail, and chat.
How to get a US Passport first time?
Once you have determined that you need a passport and have all the documents and time you need, applying for a US passport first time is not difficult. Here are the steps you need to follow:
Plan a trip to the passport facility:
If you are applying for a passport for the first time or need a very quick turnaround – in two weeks or less, for example – you will want to schedule an appointment with an approved passport.
Gather the necessary documents:
Once your meeting is over or you have determined that you can show up at an agency, you will need to prove who you are and that you are a US citizen. What you need here:
- Proof of Identity: The valid US driver’s license, naturalization certificate, military or government identification, or a valid passport.
- Proof of Citizenship: You will need some authorized documents to prove that you are a legal citizen of the US. These include a Certified Date of Birth Certificate (one that lists the parent, registrar’s stamp, and the applicant’s full name), a naturalization certificate, a certificate of citizenship, a diplomatic statement of birth abroad (for children born abroad to US parents), or a valid passport. Don’t submit copies of these documents; they must be original.
Provide 2 Identical passport photos:
You will need two identical pictures that meet these requirements,
- Applicant’s last six-month passport size photograph.
- The photo should feature your entire face, with a front-facing view (if you really want to be specific, the State dept. guidelines are called 1 “to 1 3/8” between the base of the chin and the upper of the head.)
- White or Off-white background, also turn off your flash and use natural light.
- Use the sRGB color scheme, the most common / default setting for digital cameras.
- Smile (it was angry, but now accepted J)
- Do not blink.
- Printout with the photo paper for DIYers.
- To measure, print images 2 by 2. Digital dimensions should be 600 x 600 pixels to 1200 x 1200 pixels. (If you scan an image, it’s 300 pixels per inch.) Do not forget to maintain the square aspect ratio as well.
- Wear casual clothes or “casual street wear.” This means no uniforms, hats, or glasses (if you have a signed note from your doctor, they say they are recommended glasses and cannot be removed).
- There is a free crop tool you can use to edit photos in the State dept.
Complete the document:
DS-11 Application for a US Passport, online or via PDF before coming to the Passport Office. Be sure to print it out and take it with you.
Note: Don’t sign the document until you’re instructed to do so by office staff as they will need to witness this signature.
How to apply for a passport for a minor?
There is not much difference in the protocol for a child and a 15-year-old child to get a passport.
The main steps are as follows:
1. Complete Form DS-11:
You can go online or complete and print the PDF version.
2. Get a copy of their birth certificate:
Be sure to use the original or certified copy from your state’s main registry office, not the memorandum issued by some hospitals.
3. Take a photo:
Yes, even newborns need a photo; the good news is, you may already be taking a lot of baby pictures.
Two things to be aware of; First of all, you can’t have any other person in the photograph, not even Mom or Dad’s hand, which makes things a little harder. Try placing the baby on his back with a white blanket or white sheet to provide head support. And Plan B is to place your newborn in the car seat, which should be covered with a white sheet.
4. Visit an approved passport office:
Remember the picture and birth certificate. Seriously, double-check with you before you leave the house. For parental consent, both parents must be present.
If a person is unable to create it, he or she must complete a notarized copy of Form DS-3053 (“Approval Statement”) and, if the parent has full custody of the child applying, he or she must bring a court order or any other required letters.
Finally, a parent can sign a passport for the child who cannot sign in his or her name. (Parents or guardians should print the child’s name and then sign their own name to indicate their relationship.)
For 16- and 17-year-olds, this is a little easier. Parents do not need to go with them to the passport office; however, something called “parental awareness” needs to be established. This obligation can be fulfilled in a number of ways, such as having a parent with the applicant or signing a statement correcting the passport application.
Such statements must be accompanied by a photocopy of the parent (s) ID signed on the document. One more note: If a parent forbids the issuance of a passport to a 16- or 17-year-old child and discloses it in writing, the passport will not be issued.
Click2Visas Passport Renewal Services:
Suppose you are thinking of any quick passport renewal route. We have good news for you. You can apply for passport renewal services online at Click2Visas, and the process is very simple.
Click2Visas is a trusted service provider with over five years of experience in the industry. We have a firm, polite, knowledgeable chat manager to answer your questions. Click2visas has sophisticated security mechanisms to ensure your security and data security.
We offer only a program approved by the government. For your passport needs, Click2Visas is the best option. We always have quick service to meet even your most important needs. The main theme of Click2Visas is that consumers should be prepared for a stress-free journey.
Simple steps in Click2Visas:
- First, you know you are eligible to renew the DS-82 Form.
- Eligible List:
- Your expired Passport or going to expiration.
- Age to be above 16 years.
- Your name change for more than one year.
- Your photo is correctly printed, but you did not like your photo.
Sign in Click2Visas, and enter the details, and upload the required documents and submit the Request.
Within 2 to 4 days, you will receive a kit from Click2Visas. The Kit from Click2Visas holds:
- Your passport renewal application form with your photo stapled on it.
- An envelope addressed to expedited passports via passport facility.
Sign the passport renewal form and make the check or money order ready. Put the form, money orders/checks, and your expired passport in the envelope. Mail it.
Send the form to the Passport facility via USPS priority mail express. Do not worry about the payment and address. Checks/money order covers your expedited fee. And the envelope is already addressed to the Passport facility. Just post it and wait for the renewed passport. After verifying your application and documents, your passport will be renewed in 12 weeks.
US Passport Fees:
Passport Type | Standard Fee (10-12 weeks) | Acceptance Agent Fee | Additionally Expedited Fee |
New Adult Passport | USD 110 | USD 35 | 60 |
Passport Renewal | USD 110 | NA | 60 |
Child (Minor) Passport | USD 80 | USD 35 | 60 |
So “be quick,” renew your passport via Click2Visas, and “Enjoy your Trip.”