Overview of Suriname Visa and Foreign Exchange Policy
By support@click2visas.com
4 years
Passport Requirements
A passport/travel document is required by all travelers except the following:
1. Travelers with their travel documents that are issued to refugees and people without nationality or citizenship so long as they have obtained a previous authorization to enter by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
2. Travelers/passengers with a ‘Laissez-Passer,’ which is issued by the United Nations (UN), provided they are traveling on duty.
3. Travelers/passengers with an Official Travel Document issued by the Organization of American States.

Document Validity
Passports and alternative papers, or either of them, has to be valid for at least a period of 6 months on arrival.
- Surinamese citizens may enter with their passports/travel document that has to be valid upon arrival.
- Residents of Suriname may enter with passports/travel papers, which must be valid on arrival.
Visa Issuance
1. before arrival: Travelers are kindly requested to contact the nearest embassy or consulate of Suriname.
2. upon arrival: if necessary, a visa will be issued to senior citizens of the Netherlands (aged more than 60 years old) residing in the Netherlands. It is not important to acquire a previous authorization. The fee imposed on issuing the visa is:
Approximately USD 30 or EUR 30 for issuing a tourist visa (valid for 2 months)
Approximately USD 45 or EUR 45 for issuing a business visa (Valid for 1 month).
Visa Exemptions
All travelers must hold a visa except the following:
1. Surinamese citizens.
2. Travellers staying for no more than 30 days provided they are Malaysian citizens.
3. Travelers staying for no more than 120 days provided they are:
Travelers with British passports/travel document that are endorsed ‘British Overseas Territories Citizen’ as long as they are issued in Montserrat;
Citizens of Colombia and Cuba with an official travel document, diplomatic travel document, or service passports;
Citizens of the Netherlands who are residents of the Netherlands Antilles or Aruba;
Citizens of Costa Rica and Venezuela with diplomatic passports/travel document
Citizens of Antigua & Barbuda, Belize, Chile, Barbados, Dominica, Guyana, Israel, Gambia, Jamaica, Republic of Korea, Philippines, Japan, Singapore, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts-Nevis, Switzerland, Saint Vincent, and the Grenadines, and Trinidad & Tobago;
Travelers with passports/travel document which are issued by Hong Kong (A Special Administrative Region of China);
4. Travelers with an Official Travel Document/ passports that are issued by the Organization of American States.
5. Grenadian citizens.
6. Travelers with a re-entry or residence permit that is issued by Suriname.
7. Citizens of Bahamas staying for no more than 90 days.
TWOV (Transit without Visa)
TWOV is permissible for travelers continuing their trip towards a third country by the same or the first connecting plane within 12 hours without leaving the airport transit area. There is no hotel accommodation available within the airport transit area.
Additional Information
1. Citizens who want to stay for more than three months in Suriname must have a Single Entry Visa that is obtained before arrival.
2. Travelers must have onward or return tickets:
- Citizens of the Netherlands (regardless of their origin) who are re-migrating to Suriname with a residence permit;
- Travelers dispatched in place and under the guarantee of companies working in Suriname and their family members as long as a previous notification is sent to the station manager of the airline concerned at Paramaribo, and it is not permitted for travelers to leave without previous authorization from the above-mentioned station manager; a copy of his approval will be attached to the traveler’s ticket;
- Travelers employed with the Government or dispatched on service with the Suriname Government.
If travelers do not abide by visa rules, they will be deported by the immigration authorities at the expense of the transporting carrier.
Import regulations
There are no restrictions on importing the following goods as long as they are declared to the customs:
- One liter of eau-de-Cologne, eau de toilette, lotions and 50 grams of perfume, etc
- 200 cigarettes or 500g of tobacco products or 20 cigars or 200 cigarillos
- 8 liters of beer, one liter of alcoholic beverage, and 4 liters of wine
- Other souvenirs, gift articles or effects, and goods for personal use only up to a maximum worth of USD 500 or its equivalent. It is necessary to declare any amount exceeding this value.
Prohibited Goods:
Meat and meat products, all fruits except for moderate amounts imported from the Netherlands for personal use cacao, coffee, fish, vegetables, bulbs, plants, rice, and roots.
Pet animals, including wildlife, must be accompanied by an official certificate of veterinary health that is issued in the home country; the issuing date should not be more than 2 weeks before departure. Dogs and cat-like animals may be imported from any country as long as they are in good health and have been vaccinated against rabies not less than 30 days before the date of arrival. It is important to inform the chief veterinary officer at Paramaribo in order to examine the pet animal. If accompanying papers do not meet the rules, the animals will be isolated or denied entry.
Baggage Clearance regulations
A traveler’s luggage should be cleared at the Johan Adolf Pengel Airport.
Luggage of transit travelers whose destination is outside Suriname.
Airport tax
When leaving the airport, all passengers are not allowed to pay any airport fees.
Currency Import regulations
Importation of local currency (Suriname Dollar-SRD) is allowed up to SRD 150 for each person, but there are no restrictions on importing foreign currencies on condition that sums higher than USD 10,000 must be declared on model H forms upon arrival.
Currency Export regulations
Residents are allowed to export local currency (Suriname Dollar-SRD) up to SRD 150 per person; but, there are no restrictions on exporting foreign currencies as long as they are acquired from a foreign exchange bank and provided sums higher than USD 10,000 is declared on model H forms upon departure.
Non-Residents are allowed to export foreign currencies as long as sums higher than USD 10,000 is declared on model H forms upon arrival.
Additional Information on regulations
1. Import of ammunition, firearms, and other weapons require an import license.
2. Residents must have proof of ownership if returning with personal effects such as bicycles, tape recorders, photo cameras, and video cameras (with article numbers).
What are the Suriname visas you can apply with Click2Visas?
Apply Tourist E-Visa Multiple Entry 2 Months to Suriname
Tourist E-Visa Multiple Entry – 2 Months is a short stay visa that permits the holder to enter Suriname for tourist and leisure purposes only and stay for an approved period of time.
Apply E- Tourist card to Suriname
E- Tourist card is travel authority for a visitor to enter Suriname. This is primarily for sightseeing, leisure, holidays, or other tourism activities.
Apply Tourist E-Visa Single Entry to Suriname
Tourist E-Visa Single Entry is mainly for sight-seeing and holidays. Most of these visas do not give the holder the right to work or start engaging in any business activity in the Suriname.
Apply Transit E-Visa to Suriname
Transit E-Visa is a visa valid for a very short period of time. Obviously, it depends on your nationality and destination country. You may need a Transit E-Visa to connect to and cross Suriname.
Apply Business E-Visa Multiple Entry 2 Months to Suriname
Business E-Visa Multiple Entry 2 Months is a non-immigrant visa issued for travellers planning to take part in business-related activities in Suriname for a short period of time. Mostly, no paid activities are permitted.
Apply Tourist E-visa Multiple Entry to Suriname
Tourist E-Visa Multiple Entry, a document that ultimately allowed travellers for a limited period of leisure travel in Suriname, however no business, commercial, or paid activity is permitted.
Apply Business E-visa Multiple Entry to Suriname
Business E-Visa Multiple Entry is an authorization document for eligible nationals to enter Suriname to involve in Business, Conference, and Investment related activities.