Visa requirements for Indonesia visa
4 years
Passport Requirements
All travelers need a passport, except for the following:
1. Laissez-Passer travelers issued by the United Nations.
2. Travelers with a Seaman Book as long as they are traveling on duty.
3. Travelers with Kinderausweis, a German identity document issued to children on condition that it contains a child’s photo. However, it is strongly recommended to travel with a passport.
4. People without nationality or citizenship with documents stating their status issued by the country in which they reside.

Document Validity
Passports and alternative papers, or either of them, must be valid for at least six months after the date of entry.
a. Passports of Indonesian citizens must be valid on arrival.
b. Residents of Indonesia may enter with travel documents valid on arrival.
Visa Issuance
1. Upon arrival: Visitors are kindly requested to contact Indonesia ‘s nearest representation.
2. On arrival: A short-stay visa for seven days or for 30 days, can be obtained provided:
a. Travelers are arriving at the airports of Balikpapan (Seppinggan), Denpasar Bali (Ngurah Rai), Jakarta (Halim Perdanakusuma and/or Soekarno-Hatta), Kupang (El Tari), Lombok (Selaparang), Makassar (Hassanuddin), Manado (Samratulangi), Medan (Polonia), Palembang, Pekan Baru (Simpangtiqa), Solo (Adi Sumamo), Surabaya (Juanda) or Yogyakarta (Adi Sucipto), Padang (Tabing).
b. Passports comprise at least one unused visa page for the visa-on-arrival sticker.
c. Travelers have tickets and other documents for the return or onward trip.
d. Travelers have at least USD 1,000 or a valid credit card.
For a 7-day visa: USD 10
For a 30-day visa: USD 25.
2.1. This facility only applies to citizens of Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Canada, People’s Republic of China, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Fiji, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, France, Iceland, India, Iran, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Republic of Ireland, Kuwait, Laos, Latvia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Maldives, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Panama, Portugal, Qatar, Poland, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Suriname, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, the United States of America, and the United Arab Emirates.
2.2. Travelers with British passports regardless of endorsement in passport concerning their status
2.3. Travelers with Chinese Taipei passports.
Visa Exemptions
All travelers must hold a visa except the following:
1. Citizens of Indonesia.
2. Travelers staying for no more than 14 days provided they have:
2.1. Diplomatic or service passports and are citizens of Cambodia, People’s Republic of China, Croatia, Cuba, India, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Laos, Mongolia, Republic of Montenegro, Myanmar, Peru, Serbia, or Vietnam;
2.2. Travelers with diplomatic, service, or special passports who are citizens of Turkey.
3. Travelers with a re-entry permit issued by Indonesia.
4. Travelers staying for no more than 30 days and arriving at one of the following airports:
Surabaya (Adi Juanda) or Ujung Pandang (Hasanuddin), Manado (Sam Ratulangi), Mataram (Selaparang), Medan (Polonia), Padang (Tabbing), Palembang, Pakan Baru (Simpangtiga), Pontianak (Supadio), Solo (Adi Sumarno), Ambon (Pattimura), Balikpapan (Seppinggan), Bandung (Husein Sastranegara), Batam (Hangnadim), Biak (Frans Kasiepo), Denpasar Bali (Ngurah Rai), Jakarta (Soekarno-Hatta), Kupang (Eltari) provided they are:
4.1. Citizens of Brunei, Chile, Ecuador, Malaysia, Morocco, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, or Vietnam.
4.2. Travelers with passports issued by Hong Kong (A Special Administrative Region of China) or Macao (A Special Administrative Region of China).
5. Travelers with a Business Travel Card issued by the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation provided the back of the card states that it is valid for Indonesia’s travel.
TWOV (Transit Without Visa)
– TWOV is allowed for transit travelers to begin their trip to a third country within 8 hours by the same or other aircraft without leaving the airport, provided they have verified reservations and other documentation for their trip.
– Travelers transiting through Denpasar Bali (Ngurah Rai Airport) must have a boarding pass for the onward flight before arrival. There are no hotel facilities within the airport’s transit area, yet accommodation is possible directly at the landside.
a. TWOV does not apply to San Marino citizens who, at all times, need a visa.
Additional Information
1. Government officials commissioned to Indonesia must have official visas to prove their status.
2. Citizens of the People’s Republic of China must have onward or return tickets.
3. Citizens of Israel are allowed entry and transit via Denpasar, Jakarta, and Surabaya only. Their visa is a separate document not attached to their passport.
4. Citizens of Afghanistan, Albania, Angola, Bangladesh, Cameroon, Cuba, Ethiopia, Ghana, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, and Tonga require permission from the Director-General of Immigration in Jakarta so that a visa may be issued to them. Thus, they must present a letter from their sponsor in Indonesia along with documents proving that they have enough money and onward or return tickets. When their visa is authorized, it will be endorsed with the label ‘IMIGR’ followed by a number.
5. The day of arrival in Indonesia is considered as the first day of the visit. Each traveler who overstays by not more than 60 days will be fined USD 20 per day. If such a traveler fails to abide by this obligation, he/she may be imprisoned for no more than one year or be subject to payment of a fine not exceeding IDR 5,000,000. If overstay exceeds more than 60 days, the traveler may be imprisoned for no more than five years or pay a fine of no more than IDR 25,000,000.
6. Travelers who wish to visit the Indonesian province of Irian Jaya must acquire a special permit after arrival in Indonesia from the Police Department in Jakarta or any other regional police headquarters in Biak or Jayapura. It usually takes about two days to obtain such a permit. Upon arrival in Irian Jaya, travelers must inform the local police office:
6.1. Travelers with diplomatic passports:
6.2. Travelers with a special permit that is issued by the Indonesian Ministry of Information for reporters.
7. It is possible to extend the visit according to the type of visa.
Travelers who do not respect entry or transit regulations will be denied entry and deported on the same plane. Besides, the transporting carrier will have to pay a fine of USD 3,000 per each traveler.
Import regulations
Adult travelers are allowed free import of:
1. Tobacco products: 50 cigars or 200 cigarettes or 100 grams of tobacco; such restrictions do not apply to diplomatists.
2. One liter of alcoholic drinks.
3. A moderate amount of perfume.
4. Personal goods up to a value of USD 250 per each traveler or USD 1,000 per family.
Export regulations
Travelers aged 21 years old and more are allowed free export of:
– 1000 grams of tobacco, 50 cigars, or 200 cigarettes.
– Less than two liters of alcoholic drinks in opened bottles.
– Personal items with a value of up to IDR 1,000,000.
Crew members customs regulations
For crew members, the same rules apply as for regular travelers.
As a result of the rabies outbreak, imports of pets into Indonesia have been suspended until further notice. For further information, please contact the Directorate General of Livestock Service, the Directorate of Animal Health at Gedung C. Lantai 9, Jl. Harsono RM-Ragunan-Jakarta Selatan.
Phone no.: +62-021-7810090, 021-7815783.
Baggage Clearance regulations
A traveler’s luggage should be cleared at the first airport of entry or first transit. This rule applies to the following airports: Denpasar Bali Ngurah Rai, Soekarno Hatta Int’l, and Polania.
a. Exemption:
Luggage of travelers transiting Indonesia whose destination is outside of Indonesia.
Airport tax
No airport tax is imposed on travelers on entering the airport.
Currency Import regulations
The same process to ensure the manufacture of currency as to the export of currency.
Currency Export regulations
Travelers can export local currency (Indonesian Rupiah-IDR) but sum up to IDR 5,000,000 must be declared to customs. Sums higher than IDR 100,000,000 require approval from the Central Bank or the Department of External Affairs. Such approval can be obtained from the Central Bank’s headquarters in Jakarta or local branches or Indonesian representatives abroad. Travelers who break such rules become subject to payment of hefty fines.
Foreign currencies: travelers can export foreign currencies, but sums higher than the equivalent of IDR 100,000,000 (about USD 11,000) must be declared.
Additional information on regulations
1. Tourists may import video cameras, portable radio cassette recorders, binoculars, and sports equipment on condition that such items are exported upon departure.
2. Travelers not entering with a tourist visa must pay for photo and film cameras unless the said equipment is registered in their passport by the Indonesian Customs on a previous occasion. Importing electronic equipment is not allowed at all. The censor board must examine all videotapes, video laser discs, records, and computer software.
3. Chinese medicines and printed material, narcotics, firearms and ammunition, pornographic material, fresh fruit, cordless phone sets are not permitted except with a license.
4. Prohibited items include any commercial goods brought in as part of the luggage. Travelers who break such rules will be subject to a fine of IDR 25,000 per each piece. Travelers are advised not to use cardboard boxes as luggage.
Wild Fauna and Flora
Indonesia is one of the CITES Treaty (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species).