Details about visa for Cambodia
4 years
Passport Requirements
All passengers are expected to have a passport, except as follows:
- Travelers with documents are given to migrants and individuals without identity or identity.

Document Validity
Passports and alternative papers, or either of them, must be valid for at least six months after the date of arrival.
a. Citizens of Cambodia may enter with passports that are valid on arrival.
b. Residents of Cambodia may enter with travel documents that are valid on arrival.
Visa Issuance
- Before arrival: Travelers are kindly requested to contact the nearest representation of Cambodia.
- On arrival: Citizens of Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, and Sudan may be issued a visa if necessary, provided they have a sponsor letter or invitation from a company, organization, or a travel agent.
- On arrival: Travelers with travel documents issued to refugees and people without nationality or citizenship born in Cambodia and holding proof of this may be issued a visa if necessary. The visa remains valid until the expiry of the travel document. However, Travelers are advised to depart before the expiry date.
- On arrival: Foreign Travelers living abroad and holding proof of being born in Cambodia and having a passport photo may be issued a visa-free charge if necessary. The visa remains valid until the expiry of the passport.
- On arrival: A visa may be issued if necessary, to Travelers coming for tourism or business and staying for no more than 30 days against a fee of USD 20; besides, a passport photo is required.
- Extensions are possible for Travelers coming for tourism and staying for one month against a fee of USD 5 per day.
- Extensions are possible for Travelers coming for business and staying for one month against a fee of USD 45; six months against a fee of USD 155; and one year against a fee of USD 285.
Visa Exemptions
All tourists must obtain a visa, except where follows:
- Citizens of Cambodia.
- Citizens of Singapore staying for no more than 30 days.
- Travelers with regular passports staying for no more than 30 days provided they are citizens of Malaysia.
- Travelers with ordinary passports staying for no more than 21 days provided they are citizens of the Philippines.
- Travelers with diplomatic or service passports staying for no more than three months.
- Travelers with standard passports staying for no more than 14 days provided they are Vietnam citizens.
- Passengers with a residency or return permit given to international citizens by Cambodia.
TWOV (Transit Without Visa)
There is no TWOV service available in Cambodia.
Additional information
- All Travelers must have the necessary documents for their next trip and enough money for their stay.
- Travelers are allowed to enter with a one-way ticket.
- A return or onward ticket is always required for Citizens of Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, and Sudan.
- Visa extensions are possible, but Travelers with diplomatic or service passports must apply to the Foreign Minister for extending their visa.
- Citizens of Malaysia, the Philippines, and Singapore may extend their visit.
Import regulations:
Available import for tourists over 17 years of age:
- two liters of wine;
- 400 cigarettes, 100 cigars, or 400 grams of tobacco;
Free shipment to all passengers:
- 350 milliliters perfume.
- Personal drugs for personal use
- Goods were costing more than USD 100.-are subject to customs duties and taxes.
- Goods with such value of more than USD 300.- should be declared on even a Customs Declaration Form.
Dogs and cats must be accompanied by a veterinary certificate of Good Health and a certificate of vaccination against rabies issued at the home port.
Baggage Clearance regulations:
Baggage is authorized at the first airport of arrival in Cambodia.
Transit passenger luggage with a destination outside of Cambodia.
Airport tax:
Upon landing at the terminal, no airport tax is charged on passengers.
Read about laws for the country of your destination. From airport tax to be paid on departure to pet imports, as well as restrictions on how much currency you can carry in and out of a region.
Currency Import regulations:
Travelers are allowed to export sums up to a maximum of USD 10,000 or its equivalent. However, higher sums must be declared on arrival.
Currency Export regulations:
Travelers are allowed to export sums up to a maximum of USD 10,000 or its equivalent. However, higher sums must be declared on arrival.
Arms and Ammunition regulations:
A valid license from the Ministry of the Interior or Ministry of National Defense and an import license from the General Department of customs duties is necessary.
What are the Cambodia visas you can apply with Click2Visas?
Apply Tourist E-Visa Single Entry to Cambodia
Tourist E-Visa Single Entry, a document that ultimately allowed travelers for a limited period of leisure travel in Cambodia, however no business, commercial, or paid activity is permitted.