Azerbaijan Visa Policy Information and Custom rules
4 years
Passport Requirements based on Azerbaijan Visa Policy
- All passengers are expected to have a passport, except as follows:
- Travelers with Kinderausweis a German identity document issued to children aged 15 years old or younger, accompanied by their parent(s).
- Travelers with travel documents issued to refugees and people without nationality or citizenship.

Document Validity
Passports and substitute documents, or any of them, must be valid for the duration of the planned visit.
- Azerbaijani citizens are allowed to enter with passports that are valid on arrival.
- Residents of Azerbaijan are allowed to enter with travel documents that are valid on arrival.
Additional Information
Refugees and people without nationality or citizenship must contact the Azerbaijani embassy or consulate before their arrival.
Visa Issuance based on Azerbaijan Visa Policy
- Before arrival: Travelers are asked to contact the nearest Azerbaijani official and aware of Azerbaijan Visa Policy.
- On arrival: a visa can be issued, if necessary, staying for no more than 30 days, in return for a fee of USD 100.
- Citizens of Afghanistan, People’s Republic of China, and Pakistan must have an invitation letter issued by the Ministry of External Affairs of Azerbaijan.
- Iranian citizens are highly advised to acquire a visa before arrival.
- On arrival: a visa can be issued, if necessary, for citizens of Turkey staying for no more than one month against a fee of USD 10.
- On arrival: a visa can be issued, if necessary, for citizens of the United States of America staying for no more than 30 days in return for a fee of USD 131.
Travelers had better have two passport photos, a visa application form, and a document stating the purpose of the visit. A visa application can be downloaded at
Visa Exemptions
Azerbaijan visa policy is a set of regulations that determines the visa exemptions
All travelers must hold a visa except the following:
- Azerbaijani citizens.
- Travelers with ordinary passports issued to citizens of Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Republic of Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.
- Citizens of the People’s Republic of China with passports endorsed for public affairs, staying for no more than three months.
- Citizens of the People’s Republic of China with diplomatic or service passports, staying for no more than three months.
- Citizens of Turkey with diplomatic, service, or official passports, provided
- They are traveling on official business.
- They are traveling as tourists; in that case, the visa Exemption lasts for no more than three months.
- Travelers with a residence or return permit issued by Azerbaijan to foreign residents.
TWOV (Transit Without Visa)
- TWOV is permissible for travelers continuing their trip to a third country within 72 hours if they have confirmed onward tickets and that they may not leave the transit area.
- Refugees and people without nationality or citizenship are allowed transit for up to 24 hours.
Additional Information
- Travelers visiting their relatives have to register with local police. If they are staying in a hotel, this may be worked out by the hotel.
- Visas are only valid for the cities that are listed on the visa.
Travelers who do not respect entry regulations will be deported, and the transporting carrier will be fined.
Import regulations
1. Travelers of 16 years old and older are allowed free import of:
- Six hundred grams of tobacco products or 600 cigarettes.
- Three liters of alcoholic drinks and.
- A small quantity of perfume for personal use.
2. Goods are allowed up to USD 1500.-for personal use only (if younger than 16 years: up to USD 500.-);
3. Personal items (must be declared upon arrival): 20 grams of gold or 0,5 grams of diamond fixed in jewel, other precious metals and jewel: up to USD 1500.-;
4. up to 10 kilograms of food and 125 grams of caviar.
Travelers having a link flight within the Member States of the European Union or the U.S.A. cannot carry any previously bought duty-free items (over 100 ml) as hand baggage, except in sealed containers. Duty-free drinks purchased on or after the safety checkpoint at the last point of exit are permitted.
Export regulations
Prohibited articles include arms, ammunition, precious metals (such as gold, silver, etc.), and objects made of such metals except if they are personal belongings of the traveler such as personal jewel and provided they have been declared upon arrival.
This rule also applies to objects containing precious stones and real pearls or either of them, furs, antiquities, and works of art (which require payment of a special duty as well as a special permit from the ministry of culture).
Crew members customs regulations
The same laws should apply to passengers and crew as to regular travelers.
Dogs, cats, and poultry, except for pigeons, must be followed by a veterinary health certificate sealed by the professional health board in the nation of birth, provided that it is released not more than ten days before entry.
Pet Animals are permitted to enter as a traveler’s baggage, as a freight ship, or in the cabin; however, pets are usually not permitted in hotels.
Pigeons are not allowed to enter.
Baggage Clearance regulations
A traveler’s luggage should be cleared at the first airport of entry in Azerbaijan.
Luggage of transit travelers whose destination is outside the C.I.S.
Airport tax
On their departure from the airport, visitors are not supposed to pay any airport tax.
Currency Import regulations
1. Residents:
a. There are no restrictions on importing local currency (New Azeri Manat-AZN) as long as the sums will be declared on the customs declaration form when leaving the country.
b. Foreign currencies:Up to USD 10,000 or the equivalent. Higher numbers have to be declared.
2. Non-residents:Up to USD 10,000 or the equivalent. Higher numbers have to be declared.
Currency Export regulations
- Residents:
- There are no restrictions on exporting local currency (New Azeri Manat-AZN) as long as the sums will be declared on departure.
- Foreign currencies:Travelers are allowed to export sums up to a maximum of USD 10,000 or their equivalent. The Central Bank of Azerbaijan has to approve the export of any sums more than USD 1,000.
- Non-residents:Non-residents are allowed up to the amount imported and declared provided they present a proof of import. Or else, a maximum amount of USD 1,000 may be exported.
Additional Information on regulations
- Prohibited materials include photographs and written content targeting Azerbaijan, live animals (except when special authorization is obtained), military weapons and ammunition, drugs (such as heroin, hashish, and the like), vegetables, and fruit.
- Importation of a video camera for personal use only does not require a special permit so long as it is declared on arrival and re-exported on departure. Travelers must carefully keep the customs declaration which they will fill in upon arriving in Azerbaijan. Upon departing from Azerbaijan, travelers have to hand over this declaration.
What are the Azerbaijan visas you can apply with Click2Visas?
Apply Tourist E-visa to Azerbaijan
Tourist E-Visa is a valid traveler permit to enter and stay in a Azerbaijan for a period of time, which predetermined for tourism and Holiday purposes.
Apply Business E-visa to Azerbaijan
Business E-Visa is an authorization document for eligible nationals to enter Azerbaijan to involve in Business, Conference, and Investment related activities.