Angola visa policy and custom information
4 years
Passport Requirements
All travelers are expected to have a passport, except as follows:
- Angolan citizens with an identity card indicating their birthplace to be Angola. If they are traveling with a passport, this passport must directly state birthplace: Angola.
- Travelers with the German identity document known as Kinderausweis, which is issued to children aged 15 or younger.

Document Validity
Passports and alternate certificates, or all of them, must be accurate upon entry.
Visa Issuance
1. Before arrival: Travelers are kindly requested to contact the nearest representation of Angola.
2. On arrival: if necessary, a visa can be issued to employees working at oil companies established in Angola, provided they submit a copy of their passports and four photos. Such travelers have to submit their applications two to four weeks before their arrival.
Visa Exemptions
All travelers must hold a visa except the following:
1. Angolan citizens.
2. Citizens of Namibia and Cape Verde Islands.
3. Citizens of Brazil and South Africa, on condition that they carry official or diplomatic passports.
4. Citizens of Cuba, Portugal, Russia, and Sao Tome & Principe, on condition that they carry diplomatic or service passports.
5. Foreigners residing in Angola and carrying return permits.
TWOV (Transit Without Visa)
TWOV is permissible for travelers continuing their trip to a third country by the same, or first departing plane may transit without a visa provided they do not leave the airport.
All travelers required to hold a visa to enter Angola have to obtain one before their arrival. If travelers do not respect the entry regulations, the transporting carrier may have to pay fines ranging between USD 1000 and USD 3000.
Import regulations
1. Travelers aged 18 years and older are allowed free import of:
- A quarter of a liter of eau de toilette or 0.05 liter of perfume, shaving lotion, or similar products.
- Four hundred cigarettes or 500 grams of cigars or other tobacco products.
- One liter of alcoholic beverages and two liters of wine
- Personal possessions such as used clothes, general objects for personal use, souvenirs, or presents whose total value does not exceed USD 500.
2. Forbidden and restricted commodities include:
- Medical and food products that are regarded as unsafe to health or drugs in any form and shape.
- Denatured alcohol.
- Plants were grown in areas infected with diseases.
- Explosive substances, firearms, or ammunition.
- Machines used in gambling.
- Animals, animal products, or parts of animals without the appropriate required certificates.
- Immoral publications that contain pornographic material.
- Valuable possessions, postal or fiscal stamps.
Travelers carrying goods in extra quantities that exceed tax-free limits or goods that are forbidden or restricted must directly report to the customs office. Such commodities have to be declared.
Cats and dogs must be accompanied by a legitimate import permit provided by Angola’s veterinary authority, a veterinary health certificate, and a rabies inoculation certificate provided no more than four months before entry.
Baggage Clearance regulations
A traveler’s luggage should be cleared at the final destination airport in Angola.
- Luggage of transit travelers whose destination is outside Angola.
Airport tax
Travelers are not allowed to pay any airport tax upon departure from the airport.
Find more about the laws for your country of destination. From the airport tax payable on departure to the import of dogs, as well as the rules on how much currency you can carry to and from a country.
Currency Import regulations
1. Local currency (Kwanza-AOA): up to 50,000 -AOA for locals and non-residents.
2. Foreign currencies: up to USD 15,000 – or comparable (residents) and equal to USD 10,000 – or equivalent (non-residents).
Currency Export regulations
1. Local currency (Kwanza-AOA): up to 50,000 -AOA for locals and non-residents.
2. Foreign currencies:
a. Residents (over 17 years of age): up to USD 15.000.-or equivalent;
b. Residents (under 18 years of age): up to USD 5,000 -or equivalent;
c. Non-residents (under 17 years of age): up to USD 10,000 -or equivalent;
d. Non-residents (younger than 18 years of age): up to USD 3,000 -or equivalent.
- If keeping a letter (certified by B.N.A./D.O.I.) from a corporation or organization which took care of payment of all expenses during stay in Angola: foreign currencies up to the amount imported.
- Amounts left with receipts for expenses charged or currency swap tickets.
Arms and Ammunition regulations:
Firearms, ammunition, or explosive materials are prohibited.
Wild fauna and flora:
Imports of some endangered species of plants, live animals, and their goods are banned or limited by CITES.