Covid-19 Travel Restrictions in the Solomon Islands
4 years
The Solomon Islands reopened its borders to restricted flights, but they have in place strict quarantine and testing policies. Incoming passengers will fall into one of several visitor categories: Category 1-Travelers arriving from free COVID-19 countries ( e.g., Vanuatu, Samoa, Tonga)-14 days of quarantine plus one in-country COVID-19 test on day 14 and released from quarantine if negative (99.999 percent).
Category 2-14 days quarantine plus two in-country COVID-19 checks for travelers from COVID-19 affected countries that have been COVID-free for more than 28 days (e.g. Papua New Guinea and Fiji); first test between day 5 -10 and the second test on day 14. Released from quarantine if both are negative. Category 3A-Travelers from COVID-19 infected countries, but with a decreasing rate of new infections and decreasing number of active cases (e.g., Australia, New Zealand, China, Thailand, Japan, Hong Kong)-14 days of quarantine if you have two adverse test results within 14 days before traveling to the Solomon Islands, plus two COVID-19 tests in the country; the first test between tests Released from quarantine if both are negative.
Category 3B-Travelers from countries affected by COVID-19 but with a declining rate of new infections and a declining number of active cases (e.g., Australia, New Zealand, China, Thailand, Japan, Hong Kong) but without two negative test results-14 days of quarantine plus three in-country COVID-19 tests on days 5, 10 and 14 of the QuantVirus Real-Time PCR Coronavirus Test (qPCR) Released from Quarantine, if all negative.
Category 4A- Travelers from COVID-19 affected countries with increasing infection rate, regularly extreme or large population transmission reports (e.g., USA, Singapore, UK, Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, India) 14 days quarantine if you have three negative test results 21 days before travel (21, 10 and 2 days before travel) plus three COVID-19 in-country qPCR tests on Day 21 before travel (21, 10 and 2 days before travel) plus three COVID-19 qPCR tests on Day Released from Quarantine if all negative.
Travelers from these (Category 4A) countries with high population transmission and increasing daily cases that do not have 3 consecutive negative test results will be forced to serve 21 days of quarantine on days 5, 14, and 21 with 3 qPCR in-country COVID-19 tests. Released from Quarantine, if all negative.
A Traveler’s Public Health Declaration card must be completed by all incoming travelers qualified to enter the country. For up to 2 weeks after their arrival/quarantine in the Solomon Islands, they must have full descriptions of their place of stay, travel itinerary, and current personal contact details in the Solomon Islands.